Business Franchise Australia

We found 37 results for your search.

Spectrum Analysis Australia wins Supplier of the Year in the Franchise Council of Australia Excellence in Franchising Awards

Peter Buckingham, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Spectrum Analysis Australia says, “We have been attending the Franchise Council of Australia (FCA) National Franchising Convention and Awards every year, all over Australia, since 1999. We have even been a Finalist in the awards three times. But this year, via an online ceremony, we won the ‘Supplier of the Year’ national… Continue reading Spectrum Analysis Australia wins Supplier of the Year in the Franchise Council of Australia Excellence in Franchising Awards

Spectrum Analysis

How do we engage a Consultant?

By Peter Buckingham CFE CMC   Many of the big names of the franchise industry, in their semi-retirement, hang out the shingle to offer their services to anyone who believes their story, and also become a “Consultant”. Interesting how their views on Consultants can change!   Whether you are a franchisor or a franchisee, the… Continue reading How do we engage a Consultant?

5 Lessons from Sir Winston Churchill. ….in planning you network’s future

I was fortunate enough to visit Churchill’s War Rooms in London. What was incredible was how much effort they put in to know exactly where all their troops were, where the enemy were, and how they could best engage them to create a winning result – should sound familiar with both franchisors and franchisees –… Continue reading 5 Lessons from Sir Winston Churchill. ….in planning you network’s future

Growing in the right locations… Strategic Network Planning

If you are going to open a franchise, or you are the franchisor of a big network of stores, and the Board expect the number of outlets to increase – how do you decide where to look? The answer is to look at the numbers!   How often do we make a decision because it… Continue reading Growing in the right locations… Strategic Network Planning

Territories for Service Franchises

Where should I go, and how do I know my territory is sufficient to support me?   The great expansion in franchising appears to be in the service industries, and when you are considering a franchise, the questions about territories normally arise. Within service franchises, there are the indoor ones such as house cleaning, ironing,… Continue reading Territories for Service Franchises

A business that makes a difference

When it comes to making a positive impact in workplaces and communities, few franchises can rival TDDA (The Drug Detection Agency). Born out of a desire to create safe environments in 2005, TDDA is now the industry leading drug and alcohol management partner in testing, policy and education across Australasia, completing over 250,000 tests annually.… Continue reading A business that makes a difference

Shopping Centres – Still an Inconvenient Truth

Should retail rent increases be based on a shopping centres’ sales performance? Did you know that shopping centres are still trying to increase retail rents when their actual sales performance is not improving at the same rate? Spectrum Analysis has used Property Council of Australia Data to analyse shopping centres’ performance in a revised whitepaper from 2017… Continue reading Shopping Centres – Still an Inconvenient Truth

How Do I Find A Great Site?

How Do I Find A Great Site? How often does a business fail, not because the product is poor, but because the retail location planning has put the site in the wrong place? It is very difficult (almost impossible) to make every retail site perfect, but you can use some processes to improve the probability of… Continue reading How Do I Find A Great Site?

International Mapping Made Easy

International Mapping Made Easy Many Australian franchisors are expanding internationally with their already well-established systems and require up-to-date and relevant information to base their decisions on. For their Australian network, they have invested heavily in the criteria for their site selection and mapping their territories properly, but may have been ‘led’ into a different approach… Continue reading International Mapping Made Easy