Business Franchise Australia

6 Key Ways to Build a Successful Franchise Team That Will Go the Distance

By Mary Walton

Building a successful team, franchise or not, is no easy feat. The biggest problem when the word ‘success’ is thrown around is people imagining a highly competitive environment where everybody’s out to be the best, which is great, but it also creates a negative image of the work environment.

However, the second thing you need to remember is the word ‘team’. By spending time in creating a stellar team, you can drive your franchise towards the soaring heights of success where every member can benefit. Today, we’ll explore six key ways to make this happen.

Pay Attention to Job Roles

It’s easy to stick up a job position for a role in your team and employ whoever comes through the door and applies. In fact, it’s what most businesses do. However, going out of your way to find the best people for each role can be hugely beneficial in the long-term.

When on the hunt for people to fill your roles, look for people who are willing to become a valuable part of your franchise team and come willing to learn with a great work ethic. Look for someone who will fit in with your desired franchise work culture and will benefit other members of your team.

Set Clear & Defined Goals

From the moment that you start employing members of your team, it’s vital that you lay down exactly what your team is setting out to achieve. The easiest and most effective way to do this is by setting clear goals. For this aspect to work properly, you’ll need to set goals both in the short and long-term.

This helps your team to understand the bigger picture of your franchise and gives them the knowledge they need to understand why they are carrying out the jobs that they’re doing. Setting deadlines and milestones are the easiest way to implement this aspect.

Lewis Grey, the team manager for PhD Writers and Boom Essays, continues;

“Anything you do in your business will need to be in relation to the goals that you’ve set. This is a great way to motivate your team, and it gets especially exciting when you start getting close to reaching your first goals.”

Define a Workplace Culture

If you’re working in a factory, everybody clocks in and out, do their jobs and goes home. In Google, there’s a tonne of space to relax, bean bags, no set offices and a thriving work culture. Which one of these cultures do you want your business to have? Which of these cultures do you think has the higher levels of productivity?

It is, of course, the latter, which is why it’s so important to set a company culture early on so your team can fall into it. This helps them love their work and become more beneficial members of the team.

Enhance Your Business Writing Skills

Communication, especially written communication will define success for a franchise team. By mastering this skill, you minimise the risk of miscommunication and maximise productivity, saving you both time and money. For example, you could practice the most basic aspect of writing which is grammar by checking out online resources such as Via Writing and State of Writing to brush up on your knowledge.

Furthermore, you can use online services, such as Assignment Help, Paper Fellows and EssayRoo to hone your overall writing skills, whether you’re writing emails, reports or presentations. Finally, you may want to learn how to add a touch of professionalism to your written work using services such as Cite It In.

Focus on the Good Times

Of course, as with any business, there are going to be times when someone makes a mistake, or things aren’t going as well as you planned. However, as much as it’s important to put the focus on stopping these things happening, it’s just as important to focus on the more positive times that your team experiences.

Whether you’ve smashed your weekly targets, recovered from a low period or things are just going well, celebrate as a team and make a big deal out of the fact that everyone worked together to pull this off. This helps to make everyone feel appreciated and, therefore, work harder and more productively next time.

Calvin Armstrong, the team manager for Academized, explains;

“When something goes wrong, it’s important to remember that not one person is involved and you can’t single them out in front of the rest of the team. As a team, you work together so if things go wrong, you work together to fix it. Delegation is key here.”

Get to Know Your Team

All work and no play make teams start to hate each other. It’s that simple. Many people these days are looking for a balance work-play life so, as a franchise team manager, it’s important that you understand this.

Whether you’re setting up team days out, such as team-building days, or even going for a meal or drinks on a Friday night as a team. This gives you the opportunity to get to know your team on a personal level, helping you to build respect and appreciation for one another.

Mary Walton is a cover letter editor at Online Resume Service. She also helps companies with team building and communication improvement. Mary is a writer at OXEssays, website that helps PhD students with dissertation writing.