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6 reasons hospital in the home is better for aged care

Hospital in the Home (HITH) is a model designed to treat patients with illnesses or conditions that need close care and monitoring, but who are not likely to deteriorate rapidly. It offers a familiar environment for patients and minimal disruption during care.

Here are six reasons why HITH should be an option for aged care.

Optimise bed spaces at hospitals

Moving stable patients who can receive HITH care out of hospital reduces the burden on the system and keeps beds available for more severe illnesses and conditions.

Faster recovery

Faster rehabilitation and reduced readmissions; according to one study, that presented as a 19 per cent reduction in mortality and a 23 per cent reduction in readmission to hospital.

Return home sooner

HITH offers a suitable amount of healthcare support to patients in the comfort of their own home. Patients will receive regular care, as well as care they can’t access in hospital, like allied health and social and community support.

Lower infection risk

Hospitals carry the risk of cross-infection. Despite their best efforts to maintain a sterile environment, being among other sick people means patients are potentially indirectly exposed to more sources of infection.

Lower cost to insurers

Hospital is expensive for insurers, so keeping a patient out of hospital helps to lower costs while still allowing for a suitable amount of care. Better health outcomes at a lower cost is an exceptional benefit.

Better food

Hospital food is rarely better than a home cooked meal. In-home care ensures patients always have meals that are appetising and nutritional. Sharing a meal with family is also a comfort.

By Jonathan Moody, CEO and founder of Physio Inq