If you’re a new or first-time website owner looking for the right advice before acquiring your next web address and development, you might be daunted by selecting the right web hosting provider. It’s understandably overwhelming with so many providers and packages out there.
However, having many options for web hosting in Australia or any part of the world isn’t exactly a bad thing. That means you have more options from providers vying for your attention. You get more competitive rates and more chances to compare before committing.
In this article, we will check out the most common mistakes when choosing a web hosting provider and how to avoid taking this risk in the first place.
Falling for “free” web hosting providers. As they say – if it’s free, then you are the product. Free web hosting services are appealing, but there’s always a danger your site be covered in banner ads and pop-ups. Sites hosted on free services also aren’t usually Google-friendly. If you’re not a business and are just looking to create a website for a blog, promotion of a particular interest, or community group, and you don’t care about SEO (search engine optimization), you could consider it as an option.
Free web hosting services can be unpredictable with inconsistent speeds, not guaranteed uptime, and lack of dedicated support. Since you haven’t paid anything, the service provider isn’t obligated to provide assurances. Don’t expect advanced features, and be wary that hosting with a free provider can cause in loss of a certain degree of legitimacy.
If you’re tight budgeted, you can find affordable hosting in Australia that offers superior service at a minimal cost.
Choosing incorrectly between a shared web hosting package or VPS. Two major web hosting packages are shared or virtual private servers (VPS). For businesses with a basic site, then shared hosting may suffice. VPS is recommended if your site is generating a lot of traffic. Regularly check the volume of traffic coming to your website, whether shifting over to VPS may be necessary or even dedicated hosting.
As a starter, you can save money by using a shared hosting package until switching is necessary. When choosing, you want to find a provider with a plan that scales at the same rate as your business.
Being unaware of limitations. You’ll encounter limitations as you find the right web hosting provider for your site. These limitations could be harmful to your business: for instance, if a provider limits the number of products your online store can sell.
This makes it crucial to inspect a web hosting provider and see if they can adapt your hosting plan as your business grows. Find a service that easily scales with your business.
Examine the terms and conditions. Check personal file storage limitations and restrictions on streaming and other media. Limitations exist for a reason. They ensure that the service provided is consistently reliable for all users.
The next order of business is to use the good old search engine to find the best web hosting in Australia. Remember the pointers above as you choose a web hosting service.