The Census 2016 is released over a period of time, driven by the need of the Australian Bureau of Statistics to check and verify the results. Spectrum Analysis report the Data Packs were released on the 12th of July 2017, and these contain the major part of the information that franchisors, franchisees and other retailer and businesses require.
Most demographic companies have been hard at work installing this data into their Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to be able to produce up to date information for their clients.
The ABS website is also now current and for many people you can look up Quickstats (Google this), and look at your local area, or other areas of interest at many different levels.
The data now available includes:
JULY 2017
- Age
- Sex
- Residential status in non-private dwelling
- Registered marital status
- Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin
- Usual residence at Census time
- Australian citizenship
- Country of birth
- Year of arrival in Australia
- Country of birth of parents
- Main language other than English spoken at home
- Proficiency in spoken English
- Ancestry
- Religious Affiliation
- Need for assistance
- Attendance at an educational institution
- Highest year of schooling completed
- Number of children ever born
- Income
- Unpaid work
- Address on Census night
- Family relationship (and Social marital status)
- Number of motor vehicles garaged
- Number of bedrooms
- Tenure type
- Landlord type
- Housing costs
- Dwelling internet connection
- Dwelling structure
- Location of private dwelling
- Type of non-private dwelling
OCTOBER 2017 – Next release will be the following data:
- Internal migration (address of usual residence 1 year ago and 5 years ago)
- Non-school qualification
- Labour force status
- Status in employment
- Occupation
- Public or private employer indicator
- Workplace address (Journey to work)
- Industry of employment
- Hours worked
- Method of travel to work
The final information many of Spectrum Analysis’ clients use is SEIFA – Socio Economic Index for Areas, and this will not be released until 2018.
If you are interested in the ABS’ presentation on the findings from the 2016 Census, please follow the link.