Business Franchise Australia

Finding and Delivering Value in Challenging Times

It might be a new year, but the challenges facing small business and, in particular, franchising are familiar ones.

In the economic briefings and forecasts I’ve attended; the message has been consistent. The economy remains weak, and while Reserve Bank governor Philip Lowe has stated there may be a “gentle turning point” in the economy later this year, businesses are understandably cautious.

Mary Aldred is the CEO of the Franchise Council of Australia, the peak body for the nation’s $184 billion franchise sector. Mary commenced in the role in April 2018, bringing with her extensive experience across government, industry and the corporate sectors. As CEO, Mary has led the FCA in developing and delivering strategic priorities to strengthen the FCA’s role as an effective peak business organisation and advocate for a compliant, sustainable and profitable franchise sector.

Franchise Council of Australia:

Phone: 03 9508 0888,

