Business Franchise Australia

Rethinking business in a post-COVID market

I had hoped three months ago, as many of you also would have, that by the time I wrote my next FCA CEO’s piece that there would have been significant improvement in the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and that harsh restrictions would have been lifted across Australia.

Unfortunately, that has not been the case, especially in Victoria where most businesses remain closed, and in other states there is weak recovery being reported with various surveys indicating many are still at risk of permanent closure or reduced size of operations.

The FCA has continued to proactively help members navigate complex and continually changing government restrictions on business’s ability to operate, particularly home services where there seems very low risk to the community of having those services still working, especially when their government-owned equivalents are operating.


Mary Aldred is the CEO of the Franchise Council of Australia, the peak body for the nation’s $184 billion franchise sector.
Mary commenced in the role in April 2018, bringing with her extensive experience across government, industry and the corporate sectors. As CEO, Mary has led the FCA in developing and delivering strategic priorities to strengthen the FCA’s role as an effective peak business organisation and advocate for a compliant, sustainable and profitable franchise sector.

Franchise Council of Australia
Phone: 03 9508 0888