Business Franchise Australia

Seize the moment – experts views for 2023

Over the past three years we have seen some massive changes in the franchise sector. COVID of course has meant many franchise groups like other business have had to rethink what their customers and staff want and change, streamline and tighten business accordingly. Mobile businesses, online service, food trucks, takeaway food, have emerged as being growth areas and business management practices have had to change to embrace digital business and remote work.

Brian Keen has been involved in the franchise industry for more than 30 years and, today, is the Founder of Franchise Simply, Systems2Grow and Microloan Foundation Australia.  His on-the-ground business experience as a multi-unit franchisee, franchisor and consultant helping many of the big names create their own franchise systems and growth over the years has been fed into Franchise Simply, helping today’s SMEs grow their business by franchising.