Having acted for Franchisors since 1995, when it comes to stories from our Franchisor clients about running a franchise system IP Partnership has heard it all; from a mass exodus of Franchisees shutting up their shops and walking away from their businesses on New Years day to Franchisees who have been so successful they are… Continue reading From the Franchising Law experts – The number one issue Franchisors have
The documents involved in buying a franchise can be overwhelming, with hidden costs and traps, so it’s crucial that you understand everything you are being required to sign and the implications of becoming a franchisee.
New Zealand is an exciting and fast developing market in relation to franchising. Considering that the population of New Zealand is about 5.12 million and there are over 590 systems, there is one system for every 8,690 people which is very high in my opinion. Why? The answer is because New Zealanders love brands and… Continue reading Aspects of Franchising in Relation to New Zealand
Franchising has been operating in one form or another for the past 40 years in Australia and became regulated sector under the Franchise Regulations which established the Franchising Code of Conduct in 1998.
Ahh mobile franchises, the wind in your hair as you drive to your next appointment in your branded van with a dog in the back… ..freedom from paying exorbitant rents and staff costs and you can have some work/ life balance …mobile franchises are a great option …or are they ?
Home Services in New Zealand and Australia have grown tremendously in the last 20 years and home services franchise systems are numerous in number and choice.
If you’re a director of a company in Australia, you will need to apply for a director identification number (director ID) by 30 November 2022.
In both Australia and New Zealand, franchising is growing at a very fast rate. The results of the 2021 Survey of Franchising in New Zealand confirmed that there are 590 business format franchisors with 32,300 units operating and over 156,000 people employed in business format franchisees.
In part one of our article, we discussed the landlord’s obligations to repair and maintain the leased premises and their equipment. We now look at obligations of the landlord for capital works, urgent repairs and outgoings that can and cannot be charged by a landlord to a retail tenant.
When purchasing a franchise many agreements provide the franchisee an exclusive territory set out by way of a map or postcodes or other description of an area or region in which the Franchisor and other franchisees will not compete with the Franchisee. The franchisee therefore has the right to market and “farm” customers in… Continue reading This land is my land – or is it? Territory & on line sales issues in Franchising