New data shows that nearly one in three Aussies went into a department store, specialist store or fashion store in the last week, and more than half went into a store in the last fortnight. If retailers are attracting that kind of foot traffic, why the retail recession?
The data comes from a survey of a nationally representative panel of 1021 Australians – commissioned by leading parcel delivery service CouriersPlease (CP) in May – asking respondents when they last visited a department store, specialist store (such as a technology shop) or fashion store.
From the results, CP found that 31 per cent of respondents last stepped into a store in the previous week, a further 23 per cent visited two weeks prior, and a further 23 per cent went into a store in the two-four weeks prior. This indicates three-quarters of Aussies (77 per cent) stepped into a retail store in the last month.
When comparing the States, CP found that more WA shoppers visited retailers in the previous week (42 per cent) than those in any other State. In NSW, for instance, just 28 per cent of residents and 30 per cent of Victorians walked into a store in the previous week.
CP spokesperson Jessica Ip says: “It is encouraging to see that online shopping hasn’t caused a mass exodus of shoppers from stores. While retail spending has gone down, our survey indicates that shopper foot traffic has been maintained. The key for retailers is to convert that traffic into purchases.
“While retailers are increasingly having a strong focus on eCommerce, many are now not only investing in the online channel, but they are also strengthening the omni-channel experience shoppers get both in-store and online to provide a single unified feel for the brand. They’re aiming to provide consistency across all areas – from the shopping experience, to delivery to returns – and by doing so, retailers are likely to leave a positive impression on shoppers, regardless of the way they choose to purchase.”