Business Franchise Australia

Poolwerx leads industry in accreditation standard

Poolwerx, Australia’s largest pool and spa care network, continues to be a pioneer for enhancing the credibility of the industry announcing each of its independent businesses have completed the latest government certification in swimming pool and spa servicing.

To coincide with this achievement, the group has launched a national advertising campaign aimed at educating consumers on the value of accreditation and certified technicians.

John O’Brien, Poolwerx CEO and Founder said he was proud they were the first swimming pool and spa servicing group in the industry to achieve the highest level of technical training.

“Our original goal was to ensure group wide accreditation by 2018 but our franchise partners helped fast track this by taking ownership of their training and recognising the value for their business and team members,” he said. 

“All of our Poolwerx locations now have a technician with a Cert III or IV in Pool and Spa Service, which puts us one step closer to our wider vision of a technically efficient industry with highly skilled and qualified technicians.

Mr O’Brien said consumer research revealed the need to conduct an education campaign.

“Unfortunately, most consumers are unaware of the official qualifications governing the industry and just assumed technicians had to be qualified to perform the job. 

“Our new commercial enhances the significance of using only qualified technicians and we hope it will assist the industry by improving consumer awareness on this issue.”

Bryce Steele Executive Director/Secretary of SPASA Australia said Poolwerx was instrumental in establishing the national accreditation program.

“For the past two years Poolwerx has been a strong advocator for accreditation and assisted with establishing criteria guidelines for the training,” he said.

“Ultimately, they have driven the agenda to validate the work a pool technician accomplishes in comparison to traditional trades. The accreditation improves the level of professionalism within the industry and has raised the benchmark for everyone in a very positive way. We also see this as an excellent way to reduce the churn of workers leaving for more recognised trades,” he said.